The first way is by choosing to let go of unwanted feelings. The second way is to just allow the feeling to be and the third way is to dive into the very core of the emotion.
Choosing to let go: use letting go of the negative emotions that hold you back they flow across you, but they dont own you or control you. They are inputs, and you can choose to hold them and let go of them. When you let go of them, you diffuse whats holding you back, and the world opens up and you feel power full. When you feel power full, you act powerfully.
Hold on to the positive: sadly, we often hold ourselves back by holding on to negative emotions. If we use these negative emotions for motivation and inspiration to take action and to do something about it.
Ask yourself, What you want out of your life? lets began by asking yourself, What you want out of life? and the answer was happiness. Investigating again, you went into the moment when you were feeling happier. You discovered something which was made, you happy at the time. Give yourself some permission to play at the possibilities, to feel you a little lighter, and to experience your limitless potential...Read More